This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction occurs if a man is unable to obtain a completely healthy erection, or if he is unable to maintain this erection during sexual intercourse. In general, erectile dysfunction is one of the most common problems among men, especially after the age of forty.

During the lines of today’s article, we will talk about the cause of erectile dysfunction, how to get rid of it, its definition, in addition to some other information about it. Continue reading if you want to know more details.

What is erectile dysfunction?

As we mentioned to you in the previous paragraph, erectile dysfunction occurs if a man is unable to obtain a completely healthy erection, or if he is able to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse.

This sexual disease is considered one of the most common sexual problems that men suffer from, especially after the age of forty.

The reason behind the great prevalence of this problem is that the causes leading to it are too many. Therefore, the possibility of infection with this problem is rather large. Based on recent reports on ED, it currently affects at least 30 million people.

How does erectile dysfunction occur

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

Before we talk about the cause of erectile dysfunction, you need to know how does this problem happen. Erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of not getting enough blood to the penis, which is the main factor in the occurrence of an erection in general.

In addition, erectile dysfunction can occur as a result of certain diseases, or as a result of taking certain medications or performing some activities.

But in general, normal erectile dysfunction occurs in men over the age of forty or fifty due to insufficient blood supply to the penis, or due to damage to the nerves in the penis.

It is worth noting here that men suffer from many and various problems in the erection process, and these problems are often temporary. That is, some of these problems can occur once or twice, and cause erectile dysfunction, but they do not last forever.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, this problem will continue. That is why the person infected with it must treat it to get rid of it immediately.

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

As we mentioned to you earlier, erectile dysfunction in men causes difficulty in obtaining an erection or difficulty maintaining this erection properly during sexual relations.

But in addition to that, erectile dysfunction can cause some other problems, the most prominent of which are psychological problems.

Where many studies indicate that people with erectile dysfunction suffer from psychological problems and crises more than others, such as depression, sadness, lack of self-confidence, and others.

From a medical point of view, the incidence of erectile dysfunction can be a preliminary indication of infection with some other diseases.

Where some studies say that erectile dysfunction can indicate that a person will be exposed to heart problems or blood vessel problems in a large way because this problem occurs mainly as a result of insufficient blood supply to the penis.

In addition, some cases have shown that people with erectile dysfunction may suffer from clots in the heart or feet.

cause of erectile dysfunction

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

As for the cause of erectile dysfunction, there are several different causes that can lead to this problem. Among the most prominent of these reasons, we mention to you:

The cause of erectile dysfunction | Getting old

In general, the problem of erectile dysfunction is very common among men over the age of 40 or 50 years. But this does not mean that a person should suffer from this problem if he is over the age of forty or fifty.

Rather, it means that the probability of getting this problem after the age of forty or fifty is much greater than before. Therefore, getting older is generally considered the main cause of erectile dysfunction.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | High blood sugar

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

Blood sugar plays a major role in the process of moving blood in the body. Based on this, doctors and experts in the field of ED believe that high blood sugar is one of the most prominent items on the list of causes of erectile dysfunction.

It is worth mentioning here that by high blood sugar, we mean having one of the types of diabetes, especially the second type. That is, we do not mean to eat foods that contain high levels of sugar.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | high blood pressure

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

In addition to high blood sugar, high blood pressure can also cause erectile dysfunction. In fact, many doctors who are experts in this field believe that high blood weakness undoubtedly causes erectile dysfunction problems, and if these problems are not permanent, at least they will occur for a certain period.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | Having some heart diseases

Erectile dysfunction can occur as a result of some other disease in the body. Since the erection process occurs mainly as a result of blood reaching the body of the penis and locking it there, any imbalance in the system of circulation and blood transmission in the body can cause problems in this process. This is what happens if a person has heart disease, or some diseases that affect blood vessels.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | High cholesterol in the blood

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

In general, high blood cholesterol can cause many serious complications in the body. One of the most important things that can lead to heart diseases, strokes, or blockage of blood vessels.

But what many people don’t know is that high blood cholesterol can also cause the problem of impotence, in some cases, but not in all.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | Some bad habits

In addition to the reasons we talked about in the previous paragraphs, which could be beyond the control of the affected person, such as exposure to a disease, for example, erectile dysfunction occurs in the body as a result of practicing some bad habits.

Among the most prominent of these habits, we mention to you smoking, which is considered one of the most prominent items on the list of causes of erectile dysfunction. This is in addition to using drugs and consuming large amounts of alcoholic beverages.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | obesity

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

Yes, obesity can cause problems with the erection process in the body. In fact, an obese person is at a much higher risk of developing ED than a normal person.

In addition, some doctors and experts in the field of ED believe that it can also occur as a result of inactivity, lack of movement, or even prolonged lack of exercise.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | Not getting enough blood to the penis

In fact, the lack of sufficient blood supply to the penis cannot be considered one of the causes of erectile dysfunction, because it is considered a symptom or a result of some of the reasons that we talked about in the previous paragraphs.

For example, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, or even high cholesterol can cause problems with blood flow to the penis. Thus, we mentioned to you earlier that these reasons can lead to impotence.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | Inability to keep blood in the penis

erectile dysfunction

Poor blood flow to the penis does not alone cause erectile dysfunction, but it can also occur as a result of the penis’s inability to hold blood in it to maintain an erection.

It is worth noting here that this problem can be suffered by any male in any age group, meaning that the direct causes that lead to it are not known precisely yet. But what is known is that it undoubtedly causes the problem of impotence.

The cause of erectile dysfunction | Physical injury in some areas

Finally, a physical injury to the penis, pelvis, or spine can cause an ED problem. It should be noted here that physical injury in this area can occur during some surgeries as well.

Should ED be treated?

This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction

In short, yes. Where this problem leads to many complications that you are undoubtedly indispensable. Therefore, if you suffer from impotence, do not hesitate to get treatment as soon as possible.

And if you want to get treatment, we recommend that you visit our specialized clinic. Our highly experienced doctors will give you all the information you need about your condition.

Thanks to modern medical tools, we can perform surgical treatment in the fastest time and with the highest safety rate. Do not hesitate to contact us to book an appointment or to take more details on this subject.


Here we have come to the end of today’s article. Where we talked about the cause of erectile dysfunction, and we also mentioned to you the definition of this problem and some other information about it.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information, or if you would like to book an appointment for treatment.

Refrences: | What is Erectile Dysfunction? | Erectile dysfunction (impotence) | Symptoms & Causes of Erectile Dysfunction | Symptoms & Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

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